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Youngkil Kang 강영길​​

Artist based in Seoul, Korea

강영길 작가는 20여 년간 디지털 작업을 해오며 자신만의 예술적 언어를 만들어 냈다. 그의 작업은 구상과 추상, 사진과 회화의 경계에 자리하며 작가만의 독특한 작업 방식으로 다양한 시리즈의 작품을 선보이고 있다. ​

Youngkil Kang has been engaging in digital artworks over 20 years, creating his artistic language. His works cross borders between figurative and abstract arts, photography and painting. He has been introducing a wide range of series with a unique style of working.



1999  B.A. in Photography, E.F.E.T(Ecole de communication visuelle privee) PARIS

1995  Diploma, majored in Photography, Seoul Institute of the Arts


Solo Exhibitions

2021  Gallery M9, Seoul

2020  Woong Gallery, Seoul

2019  Young Eun Museum, Gyeonggi-do Gwangju

2018  Woong Gallery, Seoul

2017  Tenri Gallery, New York

2016  Young-eun Artist Project, Gyeonggi-do Gwangju

2016  Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul

2015  Gana Art Contemporary, Seoul

2013  Insa Art Center, Seoul

2011  Gana Art Contemporary, Seoul

2009  Insa Art Center, Seoul

2009  Gallery ARTSIDE, Beijing

2009  Dusan Art Square, Seoul

2007  Gallery ARTSIDE, Seoul

2001  How Art Gallery, Seoul

2000  Seonam Museum, Seoul


Group Exhibitions

2019  XXL, ArtCN Gallery, Shanghai

2019  The 3rd Image, Kim Chong Young Museum, Seoul

2016  Korea France Amity130 Anniversary Exhibition, Young Eun Museum

2014  Layer of Memory ARTSIDE, Seoul

2014  Liun Gallery, Seoul

2014  Dangin-ri Art Festival, Seoul

2013  SETEC Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, Seoul

2013  Pyeongchang cultural forum Exhibition, Gana Art Center, Seoul

2010  Yeosu International Art Fair, Yeosu

2010  Art Edition 2010, Busan

2010  Jangheung Art Market 'JAM', Jangheung

2005  ART SEOUL, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul

2001  Odyssey, Changwon

2001  How Art Gallery Collection, Seoul

1999  E.F.E.T Graduate Exhibition, Paris, France

1999  Salon de Montrouge Museum, Paris, France



2016-2018  Young Eun Museum, Gyeonggi-do Gwangju

2011-2016  Gana Art Gallery, Jangheung

2008-2009  ARTSIDE Gallery, Beijing

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